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Norwex environmental cleaning package
Baskets / Bundles

Item ID Starting Bid Bids Current Bid
97660 $45.00 5 $66.00

Winning Bid Amount


This is an environmentally friendly package of cleaning items from Norwex which includes:  


EnviroCloth Microfiber cloth cleans surfaces with water only! Safe for family and pets. No cleaners to touch. Replaces all liquid-type cleaners and paper towel

Window Cloth Tightly woven microfiber cloth to clean and shine windows, glass, fixtures and other shiny surfaces with water only! No glass cleaner/paper towels needed

Cleaning Paste Elbow grease in a jar! Replaces gritty-type cleansers. Active ingredients: marble flour, natural soap and traces of coconut oil – no harsh chemicals to get on your skin. Apply with damp EnviroCloth

Bathroom Scrub Mitt Microfiber on one side, scrub mesh on the other. Two-in-one mitt easily removes the most resistant dirt and grime. Use with Cleaning Paste for extra scrubby power.

Please note: all the cleaning cloths in this package are reuseable and are garanteed for two years. 

This package is donated by Sheryl Tughan

who is a friend of Chyvonne Emile-Bray,(an Alumni member) and it has a total retail value of $95.46. Don't let this one get away, and enjoy the cleanest place ever.